Monday, March 8, 2010

The Gospel According To Nonsense

That feeling of innocence, resplendence.
Soaring over the heavens,
Saving millions of stars,
Keeping the man on the moon smiling.

Horses run free, chasing or being chased, happily.
Eagles follow their trails and the tails of little mice.
Dragons and unicorns and werewolves and bunyips,
Rest comfortably in their chambers of lore.
And fish don't lose any sleep over such nonsense.

Life is created, loved, transferred, and never truly dies.
The dreams of the ancient become the reality of youths.
They say every end is a new beginning.
But the dubious indubitably dupes.

Rest, knowing that living according to holism means you'll never be lonely.

Delirious Ethan..

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