Friday, March 12, 2010


There is a little concrete path at uni, just off the busy stairs iconic of Kelvin Grove QUT. It's surrounded by palms and other trees and bushes. It's not much, but every day when I walk down that path I feel calmer - at peace with everything. For a moment you can dream that you're in a jungle, away from everything, closer to something. I'm by no means an activist when it comes to environmental concerns (A classic, patented Ethan-understatement). I'm an apathetic watcher. But I enjoy the world when I can, and I try to do the little things. Perhaps that's all that is needed.

-- What, are we supposed to un-build the cities, wander off into the jungle?
~ A stupid, specious argument.

~ Dominion.
-- What?
~ We have only one thing to give up - our dominion. We don't own the world. We're not kings, not gods. Can we give that up? Too precious, all that control? Too tempting, being a god?

From the film Instinct.

Juha Ethan..

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