Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Doodles, Part II

Earth's Essence Evacuates

Inspired by:
- The Flaming Lips' "Do You Realise?". Again.
- Brand New's "Limousine".
- Death.

This image has also been rolling around the walls of my cranium for some time.

For those weeping: that's not blood; the Earth isn't in pain. I just had an image of the Earth opening up, and a gelatinous soul making a fashionably late exit. I intend for it to be like Do You Realise? where it probably should be depressing, but somehow brings back happy memories, and provokes a smile.

When people see friends and family at a funeral, they smile briefly before they burst into tears. Then they remember the cherished life had, even if it is now over for a loved one, and they smile once more. They are one of the most genuine smiles I have ever seen - a smile just for them, remembering - and they make me thankful for all that I have.

It's these miracles that I adore.

For Brett.


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