Sunday, November 29, 2009


I don't believe there is anything more inspiring, than losing one's muse.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

All It Takes Is A Thimble

I have already said that I love learning new things. Some things are awesome, like how scientists have developed a laser that is over a million times brighter than sunshine (yes, we are one step closer to a death star). Some are insane, like how the ocean's salt could cover the entire land mass of the earth 500 feet deep. Some are fun, like how a polar bear can run at 25 miles an hour and can jump over six feet high. Some are funny, like how people accidentally eat approximately 430 bugs per year. Some are neither awesome, insane, fun, or funny, like when you learn that you are out of milo. But I really like these ridiculous facts about the world. The funniest thing is that not only do they interest me incredibly, but they seem to make sense to me.

I have recently discovered (not from personal experimentation) that a thimbleful of neutron star would weigh over 100 million tonnes.

I like to think that ideas and beliefs (and love - which I think is a sort of blend of ideas and beliefs) are like a neutron star - even the tiniest ones have so much potential, so much gravity - and could truly change the world.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Makes The World Go Round

I like the idea that the only thing holding the world, and indeed the universe together, is the telling of stories from one person to another. Even if this isn't physically true, I believe that it is metaphorical fact.
If there weren't any stories, there would be no invention, no religion, no leisure - no interest in the world whatsoever.
There is something primordial about telling and listening to stories.
We all tell them. We all hear them. We all love them.
And life wouldn't be living without them.

Fabulist Ethan..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Isn't It Ironic?

Prepare thyself. I am about to complain about complaining.

I don't like complaining.

See. I told you.

Actually... I am quite confused about complaining. On one hand, I like that I can be someone's confidant. On the other, it can be incredibly consuming and draining to have people continuously point out the world's faults. I think that's it - the regularity, the ongoing persistence.
But I am not saying that it is not ok to complain. Far from it. Complaining is basically just a negative expression of opinion. And opinion is what makes people unique. But it is the continuous flow that gets to you. So have your say, shed your negative thoughts, and try with all of your heart to brighten.

There. See? I feel better now. I have crawled from my hole and am happy once more. Follow, people. Follow.

Breathing Ethan..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"A Portion of Myself"

(Actually it's "a portion of thyself"... - Ralph Waldo Emerson)

I think I am also like a Bowerbird.
I am a very simple creature.

The male Bowerbirds have a curious method of attracting mates; the male Bowerbird will construct a nest out of sticks and litter the nest with brightly coloured objects - usually blue. They collect bits of plastic, feathers, berries, coins, nails, glass and even rifle shells. The male Bowerbird will spend hours rearranging his treasures, trying to make it just right for his potential mate.

I love this. I love how this little guy will collect meagre artifacts of crap and spend hours rearranging them to make it look good. I am like this. I'll find, make or buy pitiful symbols of my love and scatter them around the people important to me (I think this is also a dog thing as per previous blog entry). I have found that this gets me into trouble also. I was once told that the recipient felt like I had a hidden agenda.


No. :-) I am just a stupid dog/Bowerbird. I give these stupid things as a simple gesture of my love. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just smile and be thankful. (Yes, like a dog) I am happy when I see that I have made you happy. That's probably the most important thing to me.

Thanks for the little piece of sprite bottle Ethan.. :-)

The Dog Is Me

I am amazed at how animalistic I am. I think everyone is animalistic, but my animal makes it more obvious to me. I have the personality of a dog - in every way. I'd like to say that I was a wolf. Wolves are awesome and it'd be great if I were more independent and confident and fearsome and resilient. But I am a dog. I am incredibly protective, so much so that I think hairs on the back of my neck actually stand up when I feel threatened or defensive of someone. And I'm loyal.

These sound like such good qualities, but they get me into trouble very often. These qualities mean that I try to help the people I love, even if they don't want help, (maybe especially if they don't want my help) so I end up just making situations worse. It also means that if there is something wrong, I always place the blame on myself first, and put it upon myself to try and fix the problem. One day I think that I will be like poor Atlas. But it's my own fault.

I don't think I can change though. I don't think I want to. I like being a dog. I like being playful. I like how I tuck my tail between my legs when I know I'm in trouble (figuratively-speaking of course). I like that when I see someone in pain I go to them and try to make them feel better. But at the same time, I know I'm hard to bear.

Everyone is an animal, and everyone has good and bad qualities.

So try to find out what your animal is. It certainly helps to know who you are when you discover this animal personality.* And it is also interesting to see which animals are attracted to each other. But even if you find your animal, and know your good and bad qualities, don't be so determined to change them. You have to embrace them, and hope that the ones you love, love you because of these qualities, not in spite of them.

Mongrel Ethan..

*The His Dark Materials trilogy is based around this ideology. I ashamedly haven't read them yet. They are on my to-do list.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vikings Shmikings

I had no idea just how awesome Native Americans were.

The bloodthirsty piratical marauders known as Norsemen (or Vikings) tried to settle in North America about 600 years before Columbus. They came into contact with Native Americans, known to the Norsemen as Skraelings (meaning aboriginal or native people) who at first were friendly, and trade was established. No one knows why, but soon after settling the Norsemen were attacked by the Skraelings, and after only a year of settling, the Norsemen retreated to the seas and never returned. The Norsemen had metal - swords, shields, armour - and they were beaten back by the passion and fervor of the Native Americans (I believe they were the Inuits, Wabanaki and Beothuks). Bravo.

How Wonderful

Ann Frank supposedly said "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

I don't know what I can do to improve the world... I think I'll start by trying to inspire, or brighten someone's disposition. And I think the simplest way of doing this is to just list some important things in my life right now that I think are awesome and that could maybe inspire someone:

1. Ancient myths and legends - they make me very happy. Especially mythological beasts and cultural tales and lore that deliver messages to its people. Search for these - they are everywhere, in every society and every town - I've always found their messages to help in some way.

2. Your own strengths. It's easy to focus on the negative, but keep your confidence up, even if all around you is crumbling. Someone can remind you that you have good qualities a thousand times, but it won't matter until you yourself realise, just once.

3. Magic. It's taken me a while (and a special person) to realise that there is magic all around us. I know it seems cliché and corny but it truly is everywhere. Every creation, every whisper, every promise, every close call, every feeling - is magic. Everyone's born a believer, but somewhere along the way we forget how to fly, so you've got to try and remember.

4. Elements. This one may be a little weird, but I love fire and water, which obviously makes me quite a mixed up person. I love fire - probably not a great statement to announce on the internet - but it really is beautiful, the way it dances - the way it is uncontrollable. But I'm more of a Water person. I love the feel of water, I love swimming - in crushing oceans or silent lakes - and I love the coldness of it. To be honest I haven't done any reading on this idea of your "being" or personality resembling an element, but I will, and you should certainly think about it - Earth, Air, Fire, Water. And Love for those of us who are movie buffs... but we all have that fifth element.

These four things are really important to me at the moment. I don't know why. But if writing this means someone somewhere might stumble upon this blog and think about it, even for a second, it might improve the world.

Happy Ethan..

A Cold and Broken Hallelujah...

The problem with wearing your heart on your sleeve,
is it gets bumped every time you dance with someone.

Hallelujah Ethan..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Die Walkure"

Dun da da daaa da
Dun da da daaaa da
Dun da da daaaaa da
Dun da da daaaa

Trusty Wikipedia tells me that the word "Valkyrie" or Valkyrja comes from two Norse words: valr - referring to the slain on the battlefield; and kjosa meaning "to choose".

In Norse legends, the Valkyrie were a host of feminine winged spirits who chose the bravest and most honourable Norse warriors who would be welcomed into the halls of Valhalla. The great chief god Odin would command the Valkyrie to soar over battlefields and gather up the chosen fallen heroes who would be taken away to the great hall, and feast with Odin for eternity.

This is where the iconographical image of wings on shields and helmets becomes synonymous with Vikings and Norsemen.

Apparently in later times, the Norse legends of the Valkyrie transformed the dark wraiths into spritely Amazonian shield-maidens - virgins with golden hair and bright eyes.

There are a couple of love stories associated with the Valkyrie - one where the wife of the lost warrior cried so much and for so long, that the fallen warrior spoke to her, telling her that every tear she shed made his wounds flow. Odin allowed the woman to be reunited with her warrior in Valhalla.

I like that ancient (and apparently) bloodthirsty marauders believed in angels, and everlasting love.

Vor Unn Ethan..

Monday, November 16, 2009

"From Hell, Mr Lusk"

I'm not really a fan of Jack the Ripper. I sort of say I am, but honestly he was probably just an asylum-escaping psychopath who was used by the media to create intrigue and sell newspapers. I am more of a fan of that general time - of that intrigue... even if it was a sordid sort of London. I know there was a lot of disease, and debauchery and despair... but the capes were awesome. And it would be great if it were socially acceptable for me to carry a cane (possibly with a duelling sword inside). But that whole gothic landscape is very interesting.
A shadowy figure walking down a cobblestone alley, surrounded by darkness, smoke and decay; a single lamppost providing enough of a glow so that you can see the figure, but not enough to show any distinctive characteristics - isn't that the purest form of mystery?

Lord Ethan..

Feeling Negative?

Kahli has pushed me into the wonderful world of "Dis-" words. It's amazing how we take them for granted, but if we put a little space in the word, it can evoke a world of new questions. There are the normal ones that are simply a normal, positive word, just with "Dis-" at the front -
Dis.invent - Well, actually I think this one is insane. How do you disinvent something? Then how can it be a word?

But then there are the "Dis-" words that are amazingly interesting and evoke an enormous amount of ideas -

Dis.enchant - Free someone from illusion? Disappoint someone?... Actually "Dis.appoint" is another one.
Dis.embroil - actually that one makes sense but for some reason I like it.

What about Dis.grace? Loss of reputation? Shame? Odd.
Dis.array - Confuse or dis.organise? But isn't "array" like that anyway?
Dis.gruntled - Wouldn't "gruntled" be more appropriate?
Dis.combobulate - well that's just a hilarious word for its meaning.
Dis.inter - apparently to dig.
Dis.guise - Isn't a 'guise' a disguise?
Dis.abuse - persuade someone that their idea or belief is mistaken.
Dis.miss - Fire someone? Won't miss them?

My favourite (well I guess it is similar to dis.enchant or dispelled) is Disillusion...

"Disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be."

And why are so many of these "Dis-" words just different ways of making people sad or... WOW this is really hard without using a "Dis-" word... thus proving my point.

Discombobulated Ethan..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"On Letting Go"

I'm not sure if I believe the whole "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back its yours, if it doesn't - it never was" thing.
I know that letting go is one of the hardest things. And there is a massive part of me that thinks that maybe success is "largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." But sometimes, you just have to. And if you let something go, yes, it may not come back. But that doesn't mean that they were never yours.

It's just that they aren't yours now.

I know that might suck more, but for a moment there, they were truly yours.

There is that meagre consolation.

Freeing Ethan..

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tick. Tock.

Don't know why I deem this worthy to post, but I just realised that a lot of songs that I really like right now have important lyrics that mention clocks;

You Had Me At Hello - A Day To Remember
I've never seen a smile that can light the room like yours,
It's simply radiant, I feel it more with every day that goes by.
And I watch the clock to make my timing just right,
Would it be okay,
Would it be okay,
If I took your breath away?

Konstantine - Something Corporate
And if this is what it takes,
Just to lie with my mistakes,
And live with what I did to you,
And all the hell I put you through.
I always catch the clock its 11.11.
And you want to talk.
It's not hard to dream,
You'll always be my Konstantine.
My Konstantine.

Vegas Skies - The Cab
Say goodnight, our first goodbye,
I've only got forever and forever is fine.
Just take your time.
We'll stop the clock together,
And know that the timing was right.
It's a long way down.
Just fall into place and you'll fall into me.
We'll make it out you'll see.

Cuckoo Ethan..

Purgatory - A Torment. A Process of Cleansing.

I am tossing up whether purgatory or hell would be better. One is certain, one (obviously) unknown. Both have an endless list of pros and cons. I'm not sure which voice to believe. Isn't it funny how uncertainty, and the unknown, can stop us? I flicked through the newest Guinness Book of World Records today and thought about all of the things people have done just to beat someone else's record. But if they didn't know that record existed in the first place, they probably wouldn't have done anything. This idea is pertinent for my life at present.

But then I think that the unknown is exciting - I've always been a bit of an explorer, and one of my two passions in life is learning - so shouldn't the unknown push us into finding out what we can achieve?

But I may be digressing from my original thought;

Is there more pain in purgatory? Knowing at any moment you could be in hell?

Confused Ethan

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Apocalypse Now?

I've just been looking into the whole "world's gonna end in 2012" thing. I've always thought that was bullshit. I mean the Mayan calendar just ends every 5,126 years, then it resets. To the Mayans, it was their "Oh man, I have to hang up a new calendar" day. There is no proof whatsoever that the Mayans believed that the world would end on the 21st of December, 2012.


I have recently discovered that during the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the centre of the Milky Way. This will be the first time this has happened in 26,000 years. This means that "whatever energy typically streams to the Earth from the centre of the Milky Way will indeed be disrupted on the 21st of December, 2012, at 11:11 p.m. Universal Time."

I also read that some Archaeologist or Philosopher or General-Academic-Studying-Mayan-Culture person, said that it would be impossible for the Mayans to know that these two events would coincide. Although I can't possibly see how he would know this, it's still pretty awesome.

But why hasn't the world ended every 5,126 years? Or every 26,000 years? Surely, in the billions of years the universe has existed, both of these events have occurred simultaneously. Who are we to think we are so special? I don't think we could possibly have the power to foresee the end of the world.

But I think there is something in this much debated time.

I myself don't think this will be an apocalyptic event. I think it will indeed be a monumental event that will be a turning point for our civilisation - possibly our salvation. Some people believe that this event will bring the world together. Certainly hope so.

Waiting Ethan..

Mayan Story of Creation

I'm interested in a lot of Native American cultures. I don't know why. I think my Dad was always into Cherokees, Mohawks, Lakota, Iroquois and Apaches... actually, pretty much all American Indians. I really like them, especially how they lived in such harmony with the Earth, never taking more than they need, only fighting for honour. That idea of honour is also why I like ancient Japan, but I digress. I've always liked the American Indians, probably the Inuits the most, but I am also interested in the southern cultures like the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. This interest has inspired me to look into their myths and legends - hence this post. I hope I get it right.

The Mayans believed that there were four gods - a yellow god, a red god, a black god, and a colourless god. They sat in heaven observing the world.
One day, the yellow god suggested that they make a man, someone who could praise the gods, and enjoy the world. The other gods agreed so the yellow god took a lump of yellow clay and sculpted a man. This man was a failure. He could not stand by himself, and when the yellow god placed him in water, he dissolved.
The red god suggested making a man from wood. He carved a man from a branch, and this man seemed a success; he could stand strong, and he floated in water. But then the red god realised that the wooden man burned in fire.
The black god then suggested making a man from gold. This gold man was beautiful - he shone like the sun and reflected the gods' image. This gold man survived the tests of water and fire, and seemed to look more beautiful after these trials. But when the black god touched the gold man, he was cold. He was unable to speak, move, or feel. And he was therefore unable to worship the gods. The gods decided to leave the gold man on the Earth, as he was still beautiful to behold.
The colourless god came forward, and decided to create man from his own flesh. He cut the fingers off his left hand and let them fall to the Earth, where they seemed like ants to the gods.
These fingers became men of flesh, who could speak, and move, and feel. They worshipped the gods and made offerings to them. They filled the hearts of the four gods with joy.
One day, the men of flesh found the man of gold. When they touched him, he was cold. When they spoke to him, he was silent. After some time, the kindness of the men of flesh warmed the heart of the man of gold and he came to life, offering praise and thanks to the gods for the kindness of the men of flesh.
The words of praise from the man of gold made the gods look down on the Earth in delight. They called the man of gold "rich", and the men of flesh "poor". They ordained that the rich should look after the poor, as the rich man would be judged at his death on the basis of how he cared for the poor.
From that day, no rich man could enter heaven unless he was brought there by a poor man.

I like that.

Man of Flesh Ethan..

If I Lived Inside My Own Head

I'd like to meet myself again. I had such a great time. I was a funny sort of guy, medium height, pretty skinny. I made myself feel welcome, even though I'd just met. I was happy and excited, about the most ridiculous and unimportant things; although I couldn't understand what I was talking about, I certainly enjoyed me talking. I talked of travelling the world, on a yacht of wind, drinking from the goblets of ancient Viking kings. And for the life of me, I couldn't believe what I was saying, but I was so passionate, so in love with the idea of an idea. I told myself the wonders of words. I blew my mind. I could tell that I was hurting though. I don't know how I knew. I guess I just know me. I reassured myself - I told myself it'd be alright. And for some reason I can't explain, hearing me say that really helped me. Why was I so moved? If I had a second chance with myself, I'd let me know that I had a great time talking, and if I was ever in the neighbourhood, I should drop in for a chat again. I hope I do.

I, Ethan..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sincerely Me

I've always been told that I'm a genuine person. I'm very thankful of that but I just see myself as a very simple person - what you see is what you get. And although it might take "Are you ok?" and then an "Are you sure?" to get thoughts and feelings out of me, they don't usually last too long inside anyway.
Lately I've been trying to be someone I'm not, act like what someone might want instead of who I am, and it's really just made things worse. In the words of the great Bryan Adams - Please forgive me, I know not what I do, please forgive me, I can't stop loving you.

Just Ethan..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Where I Am Now.

Vegas Skies by The Cab

It's twelve o'clock and I need your attention
It's like the alcohol making my head spin
Your scent is the rum. The room is a bottle
Keeping me hopeless, 'til I wake tomorrow

And if tonight ever makes a difference
The way that I feel, the way that I'll remember it
I'll take this down, until the glass remains
Swallow the words I was meant to say

It's a long drive, back to Vegas skies
So why don't I make one more wrong turn tonight, so

Say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together and know that the timing was right

All of these guards they stand tall and defensive
Putting up walls around what was once innocent
They won't let me in but I'm stronger than that
'Cos you stole my eyes and I've never looked back

Girl last night, I forgot to mention
The way that I feel, the way that I'll remember it
When we're this young, we have nothing to lose
Just the clock to beat, and the hand to choose

It's a long drive, back to Vegas skies
So why don't I make one more wrong turn tonight, so

Say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together and know that the timing was right

It's a long way down
Just fall into place and you'll fall into me
We'll make it out, you'll see

So say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together
Say goodnight, our first goodbye
I've only got forever and forever is fine
Just take your time
We'll stop the clock together
and know that the timing was right

Friday, November 6, 2009

Who Said Safety in Numbers?

Tune in to everyday events,
It's censored information of slim importance;
The stench will outlast religion -
Or become the new one.

A shortcut to apathy and inanity -
Walking cadaverous zombies
Yet hope is not a fallen dream;
There are humans amongst the robots.
The outnumbered, the observant, the heretics,
Who said safety in numbers?

These few are the abnormal, the heteroclite,
The outsiders
But they are not victims, no.
For you see,
You are only a victim if you are noticed.


I find everything about the world fascinating, yet I am happy to just exist a lot of the time and often take it for granted. It all seems to make sense to me, but at the same time, there are things that I can never comprehend, only appreciate.

For instance, what if everything around me were to simultaneously travel directly away from me at the speed of light? Would that mean I would be standing, or floating in a world of nothing? Would the light bouncing off everything around me (that would usually be captured by my cornea, or iris or whatever) never get to me? So instead I'd be in darkness? Would that mean I would see things if I took a step forward? Would that mean for a split second I would see again?

Confusing Ethan..

A Feast, A Banquet, An Overindulgence.

"Men can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as they can from a lack of bread." - Richard Wright

I've been having a few confusing problems in my life, and I've always found that the realisation of the answer and resolution, is one of the greatest feelings ever. Your shoulders rise an inch. You breathe easier. You start seeing everything again. You are just happy. And I haven't even fixed my problems yet. But knowing what they are, how I can fix them, and hopefully what the outcome will be, makes me very very happy. I wish I was a wise man so it wouldn't take me this long.

I have also come to the realisation that when I am beset by a problem, I (usually) have three points of view: the head, the heart and the gut.
The heart usually says what you want to hear.
The head usually says what you think the answer is; usually this is what you don't want to hear.
And the gut is the all-knowing actual answer to your problems.

The problem lies in figuring out which voice is which. Sounds simple enough, but sometimes it really isn't. I for one often get my gut and heart confused and my head just complicates matters, usually coming to the wrong conclusions by focussing on the wrong facts. But that's why life is interesting. If it wasn't complicated, it'd be a really boring place to be.
And if this was a boring life, and I were a solipsist - I'd be a sadist.

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Eureka Ethan..

Monday, November 2, 2009

"A Humble Admiration of the Illimitable Superior Spirit"

- A great quote from Einstein.

I was thinking about religion. I often think about religion and it always makes my head throb. I am definitely not the most knowledgeable theologian, (<- one of Ethan's legendary understatements) and therefore I could be peeing into a beehive, but I can not understand religion. I completely understand belief. I believe in many things. I just don't understand religion. Why must people latch on to others and affect each other's beliefs and try to convince others that their beliefs are the 'right' ones? Why must people condemn others for believing different things? Sometimes I get annoyed at people when they try to talk to me about religion, and I think I've just realised why...

It is this thought of condemning others for believing something different that is a 'Newer Testament' to religion's shortcomings. I really can't understand how some religions think this way - especially the religions that believe that Jesus existed and was the son of God. As I understand it, Jesus was crucified because he believed he was the son of God, which made the Romans that were in power feel threatened that Jesus believed something different from them. Even Pontius Pilate thought it was a ridiculous excuse to punish someone. I mean, he knew it was wrong, he felt he couldn't do anything about it, so he washed his hands of it - and it's in the bible - why won't people believe that sentiment when some religions believe every little thing that is said in the bible?

How can some religions condemn others for believing in something different, when so many religions were built on Jesus believing something different from those around him?

Believe what you want to believe. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do.
If you're not hurting anyone - live how you want to live. And accept others for living theirs the way they want to.

Hopeful Ethan..

"Comes Nearer to Vital Truth Than History"

I like words. I like beautiful phrases that evoke imagery. I like how music and lyrics work together to affect each individual. But what I like more, is the fact that poetry is a never-ending argument. There are so many interpretations of so few words, and no way of definitively proving your point. Every person's interpretation is only inspired by the words, and really the interpretation is shaped by the person themselves. So who is reading? The person? Or the lyric?

I think so too.

Confusing Ethan..


Watching, these sentinels
Everlasting, evil, knowing
Eyes are searching
Hands are clutching
I'll stop before they do.

These shadows hide stories
There is no light to show them
But unlike these secrets,
The shadows can't hide me;
The sentinels will find me.

I dive deeper
To no avail.
Red is the first colour lost.

They're spying after me
Stalking, always. Me.
Unblinking, staring
Piercing darkness, chasing

Moving with me;
Always against me.

The static silence descends...

It's time to stop running
It's time to turn, wait
Face these demons I've made.
I've stopped,
Close your eyes...

Please let it be their turn.