Monday, January 11, 2010


If I could choose a Superpower to possess, it would be the ability to fly as fast as I can; I could never miss out on a trip or fun times anywhere. If I wanted to be with someone on the other side of the world, I could be, with time to spare to get back and make myself some tea before work. I could take people wherever they wanted, whenever they wanted. I could see everything.

If I could choose a Not-So-Superpower, it would be the complete control over my body and mind. I have missed so many opportunities in my life because of over-thinking, or just thinking the wrong thing. I've always known how I must think, I've always known how I must feel, but damn it, my mind just won't leave me alone. I've tried a few ways of quieting my mind - this is one of the most effective - but I'm getting better. I feel that this year is the year. Everything is going to work out. One day I will be.

Confused Ethan..

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