Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Australia Day

You know what,

I love Australia.

I don't like all the bogans and wankers who force foreigners to kiss the flag, and I don't like the people who have Southern Cross tattoos (besides Andy. He appears to be OK. Time shall tell.)

But I love the day. Every year I hug absolute randoms for the hell of it. I high-five people I've never seen before and they are so happy that I've done so. I run into recently-proclaimed Australians and they say how awesome it is to have completed their citizenship and be one of this nation.

BUT... In all facets of life, there are bad apples.

Fuck them.

That's not what this nation was built on. Life is awesome. Australia is awesome. And its awesome because we accept all people, as long as they're happy and honoured to be here.

Happy Invasion Day Australia.

Love Ethan..

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