Thursday, January 7, 2010

IntoleRANT VagRANT CorroboRANT

There seems to be two main groups that I run into in my travels: the hardcore church-goers (or what I like to call "The God-Botherers"), and the outrageous "I Like To Party People". In my experience, it seems like the God-Botherers' role in life is to bring as much attention to their wholesomeness as possible, while the I Like To Party People (ILTPP. Everyone loves abbrevs. See?) seem intent on advertising their unwholesomeness, under the guise of the popular slogan "Partaaay".

I don't like this urge to draw attention to one's moral status.

But I especially dislike this polarisation of society. It seems to be a de-evolution of humanity into the Neanderthalic logic of Safety in Numbers. But the humourous thing is, it has come about by the popular desire to be different - which has resulted in these two opposing sides of culture. But then only half of the people are different. So which are unique? Which are robots?

Why do people wish to be different? And in doing so, why do they latch on to other's beliefs, appearance, mannerisms, opinions, etc, etc, etc? Is it truly the ancient "Safety in Numbers" defence mechanism?

No one is chasing you. Please stop. Divide. You won't fall as the song proclaims.

Why can't we live in the happy medium between the God-Botherers and ILTPP? Where everyone is happy, fun, friendly, quirky, and willing to enjoy everything that the world has to offer as long as it isn't hurting anyone. I've got a couple of friends who I believe live within this happy medium (for argument's sake let's call it the "Province of Awesome") and they fit the description of what the population of a Utopia would be. I thank every influencing planetary force that these people exist, although they are certainly few and far between.

The delightful dwellers of the Province of Awesome believe what they want to believe, do what they want to do, and be who they want to be, yet somehow manage to be selfless. It's not like they don't care what other people think - this is often a slogan God-Botherers or ILTPP use to support their polarity. (But it's obviously a fabrication, since both groups do the same thing, so therefore they must care what other people think. Right?) But I digress.

The happy inhabitants of the Province of Awesome do care what other people think. It's not something to be ashamed of. In fact you'd be a self-obsessed idiot not to care about others and their opinions. It is here that I'd like to explain that there is a huge difference between caring what other people think, and agreeing with every opinion proposed to you. If people were to listen to others, trust, and then make a decision that would be the best for them, and all involved, then this would surely be a Utopian society.

"Perhaps the preacher should practice what he preaches," you say? You are absolutely correct. I don't believe I'm within the Province of Awesome yet. But one day... one day. Perhaps this rant is the start of my journey. Or the start of someone else's.

Vagrant Ethan..

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